
In line with the shift to DORSCON Green 🟢 from 13 Feb 2023, we have updated the work and leave arrangements for employees who test positive for COVID-19 or have Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) symptoms. c 🏠 Employees who are physically well but have self-tested for COVID-19 may be allowed to work from home. If this is not possible, employers are strongly encouraged to treat the period of absence as paid sick leave without requiring a Medical Certificate (MC). 😷 As part of their talent attraction and retention strategies, employers may grant employees with mild ARI symptoms paid sick leave…

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Hand safety is the practice of taking precautions to protect your hands from injuries and hazards. Hand Safety Programmed-Feb-2023 Did you know your hand is your most important tool? Why Without your fingers or hands, your ability to work would be greatly reduced. Irreplaceable tools. Vector of hand pain- rubbing hand. Don’t Hurt your Hand We touch our children and Grand- Children.We do many wonderful and useful things with our hands. Most hand injuries could have been avoided with adequate PPE.The most common type of hand injury is a crushing injury. How To Prevent hand injuries. (Guidelines) Know the hazards…

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